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"I got the idea for this painting during one of my trips to New York City when I had a craving for a hot dog in the middle of the afternoon while passing by a street vendor. The sight of the sandwich literally triggered an urge to "eat" even though I was not particularly hungry...

So it was the story of this very innocent moment that, several years later, resurfaced and gave me the inspiration for "HotGourmandise".

"HotGourmandise" illustrates the success of "junk food", of fast food, of these sponge sandwiches that we gobble up at any time of the day. It also echoes a society eager for instant consumption; consume, consume without ever reaching the feeling of satiety ... like a hole that we can never fill.

Who better than Homer Simpson could embody this death-dealing bulimia?"

Dimensions: 100 x 81 cm

Acrylic paint and acrylic spray on canvas.